Updates and upcoming workshops

It’s been more than 6 months since my last update. If you’re reading this, I’m sure you’re curious what’s going on.


Despite putting a hold on my virtual workshops (you can still get recordings of the ones I already taught), I am still teaching in-person workshops, although far fewer than before the pandemic. I’ve got a few coming up in 2025 that I’ll announce later, but I also want to let you know that I will be teaching at DFW Fiber Fest in Irving, TX this September. Here are the workshops I’ll be doing; all still have room if you’re interested and planning on attending (the links go to my workshop pages for more info on the workshops; to register, visit DFWFF’s schedule page):

Stay tuned for more live workshops as they’re confirmed. What about the virtual ones? Well, as I’ve mentioned, I’m unable to make time to teach more of those until my housing situation stabilizes. At the moment, we’re expecting to move later this year, but nothing is final yet. Here’s the new building as it was about a month ago. There’s still a lot to do inside, but there’s progress. More updates as I have them.

What else?

It’s easy for me to get discouraged right now. I have to remind myself that I am on a break from knitting for the most part, but it is disheartening to see my knitting income drop so precipitously. The social media landscape has become more and more hostile to artists, and it simply isn’t possible for most of us to do everything we need to do to be “seen”. I have a lot of evergreen content — books and patterns and workshop recordings — which people could buy if they knew about them. But I don’t have time to remind the world of my existence several times a week (nor the money to hire someone else to do it), so the algorithm forgets about me.

Unfortunately, the further I go without an active social media presence, the harder it is to imagine how I will start again. At the moment, the only thing I can imagine is that I’ll need to go back to how I did things before the pandemic, perhaps even before the books. It’s likely the books won’t get reprinted when I run out of them (but digital versions will always be available). I’ll still teach when people book me to teach. I’ll make patterns occasionally. I’ll post here and on Ravelry when I have time or content to post. I’ll most likely go back to my IT job full-time. I’ll have to be grateful for whatever small income my knitting makes, but I can’t afford to rely on it anymore.

All of this is up in the air; with changing circumstances in the next several months, I may be able to imagine a different way forward. Fallingblox Designs isn’t going to go away, but it might get a lot smaller. These past couple of years have really reminded me how much I’ve sacrificed to become who I am today in the knitting world. I really want to tell the whole story of how it’s really been for me over the past 20 years, but it’s probably not something most people really want to read or even think about.