A change of heart (in your favor)

This is just a quick note to mention a policy change on the BuildingBlox virtual workshops. These workshops exist at an intersection between two business models: live virtual workshops, and tutorial videos. After a couple of emails and some soul-searching, I decided to remove the expiration date on the workshop recordings. Previously, I was offering recordings of workshops for a year, which is generous for recordings of a workshop you took, but in the context of tutorial videos you purchased (think Craftsy, Teachable, etc), somewhat less than generous. It makes little sense to treat the two things differently, so I opted for the more generous option.

Most places where you buy access to video workshop recordings offer “lifetime access”. I’m not exactly doing that, but I will guarantee access as long as Fallingblox Designs and the BuildingBlox virtual workshops last. Given that I have no plans to retire either my main knitting design business or my virtual workshop platform, this will have to suffice for “lifetime access”. I am working on a FAQ which has more info, if you’d like to check that out.

Bottom line: if you take a workshop with me, or buy a workshop recording, you’ll have access to the recording “forever” (for some definition of eternity).

Also, now that my brain is feeling less fuzzy, I’m going to drop in a full list of my workshops in 2023 (thus far) here. All times are in Eastern (US) time unless otherwise specified:

BuildingBlox Virtual Workshops (Winter/Spring 2023 season)

Maryland Sheep & Wool Virtual Winterfest

Vogue Knitting Live (NYC)

Red Alder Fiber Arts Retreat (Tacoma, WA)

All times are in Pacific (US) time:

There are more workshops to come, so stay tuned.

In Other News

In honor of the season (but also all other gifting opportunities throughout the year), I’ve created a gift-card system on my site. You can now buy a gift card (of any value, thanks to my existing “name-your-price” system) for a friend or loved one and send it directly to them at a particular date, or just have it sent to you for printing. They can redeem it as a guest or a regular customer; customers with accounts can even store gift card value on their account for later use!

You can get a gift card on my shop, or click this link to go there directly.

Thanks for your interest,

Alasdair Post-Quinn, “Softwear Engineer”, Fallingblox Designs

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