This is just a quick note to let you know about workshops coming up in 2025. I’ve been asked to teach virtually at Vogue’s Virtual Knitting Live event later this month, and in-person at Yarnover in Minneapolis in October. Details below:
- Sat, Mar 29, 10am-12pm Eastern: Introduction to Double-knitting (virtual)
- Sun, Mar 30, 10am-12pm Eastern: Advanced Beginner Double-knitting (virtual)
- Sat, Oct 4, 9am-12pm Central: Multi-color Double-knitting
- Sat, Oct 4, 2-5pm Central: Two-pattern Double-knitting
As I mentioned in the previous post, I will also be in Port Townsend, WA from April 3-6, teaching for the BazaarGirls Retreat, but it’s currently sold out.
I am not currently applying for more teaching gigs but I do respond to requests, so if you’re a guild or show representative looking for innovative double-knitting classes, feel free to reach out.
In other news
Our condo building now has power and a certificate of occupancy, but we still can’t move in until two units still owned by the Trust are sold. Until that happens, we won’t even know how much we owe — and the longer it takes, the more gets added to our eventual bill. In this time of extreme economic uncertainty, after 5 years of doing everything we could to get back to our home, the end in sight may well be one where we can’t afford to move back in, and have to sell and move elsewhere. If you know anyone who might be interested in moving to Cambridge (one of the bluest cities in the bluest state) and wants a passive-house condo to live in or rent out, ask them to visit https://www.213harvard.com/.
We have only two and a half months left in our current place. Due to some crossed wires, the Meeting hired a replacement Maintenance Manager without verifying that our dates were still as we expected them to be last September. So if we cannot move into our new place by the end of May (and this is looking increasingly likely to be the case), we will be moving in with my wife’s mom for a while. While this is not ideal, it’s better than being homeless. However, those who are waiting for me to restart designing or virtual teaching will need to wait a while longer. Once this job is done, we’re going to be in packing and moving mode (aka “space madness”), then will need to focus on whatever is coming next. There will likely be a time when I won’t even be able to fulfill book shipments, and I may turn off ordering on my website at that point.
A lot is changing. I will do my best to keep you updated. Please stay tuned, and thank you for your continued interest.
Alasdair Post-Quinn