As I mentioned earlier, I’ve had a Craftsy class in the works for the past month or so. It went live first thing in January, so if you’re interested in double-knitting at all, you should perhaps go check it out! Given my precarious balancing act between work, knitting, family and social life, it’s not easy for me to travel all over the country (or the world) to teach classes. However, I’m happy to say that Craftsy is available worldwide (mostly) and you can now take a class from me even if I’m not actually there.
Despite my absence from your office or living room, I’m always here to answer questions through the Craftsy platform (vacation schedule dependent, of course) and of course the hundreds of other folks taking the class can help as well.
In this class, I start you off with a little flat double-knit swatch, then I switch to double-knitting in the round for my new wristband/headband/cowl pattern Duvino. Then I teach some double-knit increasing, decreasing, and traveling cables (by the way, the traveling cables are not documented in my book — this is a new technique that only a few people in my advanced workshops have learned), and we begin building a new hat called Atyria. After that, I give you a taste of some new techniques I’m working on, and show how to do a couple of them. Then I’ll show you how to deal with some common double-knitting issues in my troubleshooting lesson.

You’ve already seen Duvino in progress in an earlier post, but I’ve kept Atyria under my hat, so to speak. Here’s a photo of it, done in Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sport, and a couple of other views here and here.
Want to sign up? Right now there’s an intro sale price but it’ll go up eventually. You can get the sale price anytime, however, by clicking this link.
P.S. – Next weekend I’ll be running a shortened version of my Intro to Double-knitting workshop as well as a workshop on Charting with Illustrator at FiberCamp Boston. Tickets are still available and the price doesn’t go up until the day the event starts (Jan 12) so if you’re in the area and free, you should consider coming down to MIT. Also, I’m planning on going to VKL in NYC for Saturday or Sunday the following weekend and will have some of my 52 Pickup books and kits there. Check my Facebook page for more details on that soon.
Glad that you have a Craftsy class, which I just signed up for! I had signed up for your Eliot School class which was cancelled. 🙁
Yes, I was sorry about the Eliot School series being cancelled but I’m glad you found my Craftsy class! It’s not quite the same as the Eliot School thing would have been but you’ll get all the same skills in the end. Hope you enjoy it!
I like to dk it is quite easy to do.isabella
I am what I consider to be an advanced beginner.. I have shied away from anything to do with changing colors or adding them in. I have no one close by that I can turn to and am a learn by seeing type of knitter. My question is how hard is this technique? I do lace, hats, scarfs and shawls galore, haven’t figured out socks (have both craftsy classes) I do have almost all of the knitting Craftsy classes, someday I hope to have time to take all of them!! Just wondering if this class is too far advanced for me at this time.
At its root, double-knitting is just a knit and purl technique (isn’t everything?). I don’t think it’s that difficult to do, although some of the more advanced techniques will require more of a foundation — but that’s why you start at the basics and work up at your own speed. Craftsy is especially good for that because you can work at your own speed. Hope to see you over there!
If you need help double-knitting a hat, may I suggest my Craftsy class? You don’t have to get into the advanced double-knitting we get into in the second pattern, but the first pattern will get you double-knitting in the round, and the techniques leading up to the second pattern will show you the decreases so you can work those into your hat closure. Best of luck!