This pattern has been an abnormally long time coming, considering how little time it takes me to knit. As we went into the winter, I was expecting a long, cold season with plenty of time to release a scarf pattern while it was still cold. With the spring and even summer-like temperatures we got in February, I started to worry that we wouldn’t have a proper winter, so I dropped some of the other stuff I was working on and finished cranking this out. It’s now out, fittingly, on April 1st. But this is no joke, just a bit of irony. Still, if you start now, it’ll be ready well in time for next Winter.
The yarn I worked with is Lhasa Wilderness, a gorgeous yak and bamboo blend yarn from Bijou Basin Ranch. These folks have been so helpful to me at the various shows I’ve been to that I decided I should really return the favor by designing something to promote their yarns. Little did I know this would be one of the most enjoyable knits I’ve done in recent memory, and the hand of the yarn definitely had something to do with that.
It’s out now, available on Ravelry for purchase — and much cheaper, I should say, than the last pattern I released.
In other news, my publisher Cooperative Press is putting out the inaugural issue of their new magazine later this year — and I have an article on the creation of my 52 Pickup pattern. Also, I’m now allowed to tell you that I’m going to be teaching ALL of my double-knitting workshops at BOTH Interweave Knitting Labs in Fall 2012 — one in Manchester, NH and one in San Mateo, CA (my first west-coast appearance)!
Also in other news, I’m planning to release an ebook of more Parallax patterns later this year — v0.5 was so much fun to do, and v1.0 and v2.0 are already on the needles. v3.0 and v4.0 are in the works, design-wise, and crazy things are afoot. If you like Parallax v0.5, you’ll love what’s next.
Is Parallax V0.5 going to be in the new e-book? If it’s also going to be in there, maybe I’ll wait and get the whole bunch.
I haven’t decided yet whether I’m going to put this piece in the eBook but to be honest, I probably will, since it’s part of the series.
Your parallax v0.5 is AWESOME!!!!!
Thank you! Just wait until you see v3.0 — coming up soon!
Is the Parallax Ebook available yet? I can’t find it anywhere. I can’t wait to knit some of these, they are BEAUTIFUL! If the Ebook is available can you please email with the info where I can get it? Thanks, love your work!
Sadly, no. I know I promised it’d be ready soon but contract knitting and life in general has got in the way. The pieces for the eBook are almost finished but then I have to actually generate the patterns and the eBook text itself, and it’s going to take a bunch of time. I hope to have it ready soon (like I said before) but I have no way of guaranteeing an exact date. Sorry.